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Why Music & Fashion...and a few things in-between

Passion is a word with a variety of meanings.

For me this word means music and fashion.

Wait why?

As a child I was heavily immersed in the world of music with practices at school, in the community, and at church. Whether I was preparing for a choir tour to Hawaii or preparing for midnight mass at church, I was always singing. I continued to sing all throughout high school, but in college I could not fit music into my schedule. I was saddened by not being able to sing in a formal sense, but the nice thing about being able to sing is that you travel with your instrument wherever you go. I am an avid carpool karaoke addict so if you have ever ridden in my car I am sure you can attest to this fact. By bringing music into my blog the plan is to convey a special part of myself to my audience.

Thinking about what I have always read on planes will almost always bring me back to fashion magazines. I have enjoyed reading since I was a child and I was drawn to the covers of Vogue, Elle, and Harper's Bazaar, just as examples. The glamorous women on the covers range from models to women in political office. These magazines to me represent an outlet where women can hold power positions whether as an editor, a model, or a designer. In my mind women dominate the fashion world and ever since I was a child I found fashion to be a place of female empowerment. By bringing my opinions on fashion to my blog I will work to bring trends to life with my own twist. I plan on photographing current trends I see in the world to keep my blog relevant.


I have been working on a YouTube channel focusing on fashion and music trends that will be debuting soon.

Thanks for reading and please subscribe

xo The Witch

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